We will once again be holding our annual Japanese Instructor MyShare event. This event puts the spotlight on our Japanese members and fellow teachers, instructors, and lecturers with presentations done in Japanese, English, or via a bilingual presentation that uses a mix of the two. For those unfamiliar, MyShares are 15-minute, short-style presentations, which make them perfect for new presenters as well as experienced presenters that want to introduce a topic as a set up for a longer presentation in the future.
次回の予定は日本人の先生方によるMy Share発表会です。12月17日(日)14:00-17:00 浦和駅から徒歩1分以内のレンタルスペースホーリィで、日本人の先生方によるMyShare 発表会を開催いたします。日本人会員の皆様やその同僚の先生方に脚光を当てて、日本語、英語あるいはその両言語で発表をしていただくことが可能です。MyShareとは15分ほどの短いプレゼンテーションで、初めて発表をされる方にも、今後本格的な発表を検討されている先生方の手始めとしても、いい機会となるはずです。
Below you will find the presentation titles and abstracts for this event:
Ayako Nogami presents "The Drama Method in English Classes
This presentation is about a research proposal to investigate the effectiveness of the Drama Method in regard to English proficiency tests in Japan. The drama method refers to using acting out, role plays, games, gestures and so on in language classes. These activities are not commonly used in Japanese schools outside of speaking classes. However, in my experiences, I find the method engages students, and helps them with vocabulary retention and question comprehension. As such, pursuing research of the benefits of the method is worthwhile. Dr. L. Athiemoolam's DRAMA-IN-EDUCATION AND ITS EFFECTIVENESS IN ENGLISH SECOND/FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSES is also overviewed in this presentation.
Miori Shimada presents "What Are We Wearing?"
This is a warm-up activity for beginner students. The activity introduces the names of clothes and shoes including some confusing words such as sweatshirt, scarf, dress, slippers, and so on since Japanese learners tend to replace these words with 'katakana' words by mistake. We stand up and do this activity repeatedly in pairs. Therefore, it will be effective when students feel that the lesson is dull. This is also a good exercise for the brain since participants need to memorize more words every time new ones are introduced.
Mayumi Fujita presents "Metalinguistic Awareness and English Proficiency"
Recent researches have shown an interest in the roles of metalinguistic awareness measured in the mother language on foreign language proficiency. It has been demonstrated by Lasagabaster (1998, 2001) and others that metalinguistic awareness correlates to foreign language proficiency in bilingual foreign language learners. Additionally, Nagai (2012) first reported similar results in monolingual foreign language learners. The purpose of this study is to investigate the cause-effect relationship between metalinguistic awareness and foreign language proficiency.
Yohei Nameki presents 「グローバル人材の政策過程」―計量テキスト分析による質的カテゴリーの形成と言説的制度論の理論を用いて―
2007年に国会において、「グローバル人材」という用語が初めて登場して以来、政界や教育界、経済界、学界に至る多様な領域で、様々なバックグラウンドを持つ発言者によってこの用語は使用されているが、外国語教育政策研究では、「グローバル人材」の表象を捉えるに至っていない。このような問題意識から、本研究では、テキストマイニングツールであるKH coderを用いて計量テキスト分析を行うことで質的分析の中立性と客観性を担保しつつ、「グローバル人材」の政策過程についての通時的分析を試みた。
Jun Harada presents "Degawa English and Communication Strategies"
Strategies to overcome communication breakdowns are considered to be an important part of communicative competence (Canale & Swain, 1980). Moreover, learners can get more of the second language input that they need out of their attempts to keep an interaction going. They are also likely to notice some linguistic features from the feedback they receive when communication becomes awkward (Long, 2015).
Saitama JALT Bounenkai (さいたまJALT忘年会)
Following the MyShare event, we will have our annual Saitama JALT Bounenkai (Year End Party) at Hana no Mai (Urawa East Exit). Please plan on staying for food and drinks as we celebrate our many successes over the past year. We would love to have a large and merry group, so please join us if you have the time! We have reserved 14 seats without a course (seat only), so feel free to RSVP without worry; however, we cannot increase the number of reserved seats this year, so please RSVP as soon as possible to the below email address:
MyShareの後にはJALT さいたま支部忘年会を、浦和駅東口「はなの舞浦和東口店」にて予定します。この1年の我々の成功を祝う集いのです。ご予定ください。大人数で盛り上がりたいと考えておりますので、お時間がありましたら是非ともご出席お願いします。コースなしの席を14名分予約していますので、遠慮なくご連絡ください。座席数は増やせませんので、できるだけ早めに以下のメールアドレスにご一報をお願いします。
[email protected]
We hope to see many of you at what is sure to be an excellent event!