We are welcoming Chris P. Madden back to Saitama JALT for a presentation dealing with learner motivation that is perfect as a lead in to a new academic year. Chris has been making the rounds presenting Motivation Boot C.A.M.P. at chapters and events around Japan. No matter which age groups you teach, this presentation will give you some wonderful ideas for keeping your students motivated. Please find the full abstract of the presentation below:
Motivation Boot C.A.M.P.
The term C.A.M.P. comes from collaboration, autonomy, mastery, and purpose, and together we will examine how to weave them into our classrooms. Firstly, ignore intrinsic motivation. Act as though everything you do (and don’t do) in the classroom (and beyond) effects your students’ extrinsic motivation. In this workshop, I will show you two short videos with accompanying worksheets that I use to stimulate motivation. The first, Steve Jobs talking of collaboration, challenges Japanese people to examine their stratified society. The second, Daniel Pink examining autonomy, mastery, and purpose as they relate to motivation, will enhance your (students’) understanding of the true roots of inner drive. In the second half of this workshop, we will discuss the personal and professional factors influencing our motivations, and I will explain the steps to facilitating the most motivational classroom I have created.
*After the event, we will have a social gathering at a nearby location (TBD). We would love for Chris and all of the attendees to join us, so if you can set some time aside for food and drinks following the event, please plan to do so.