2. JALT Omiya AGM (4:05PM - 4:50PM)
1.Beyond the TOEIC textbook: Useful, student-centered, and fun activities
In this presentation, ways to make the most of TOEIC textbooks in a college English class will be discussed. Firstly, two different courses – “TOEIC Test Preparation” and “English Seminar” - will be introduced. The latter focuses on current English using a TOEIC-style textbook. Although such courses tend to be teacher-centered, different ways to enhance students’ active involvement and interaction can be applied. Via demonstration of selected activities, and “hands-on” activities for participants, we hope to provide practical teaching ideas for all English teachers, particularly those involved in TOEIC.
Fuyuhiko Sekido has been teaching English in Japan for more than 10 years, the last 5 years at universities. He completed his MA in American literature at Meiji Gakuin University in March, 2000. Mr. Sekido has been a part-time teacher at Rikkyo University since April, 2006. His recent research interests include the effective use of literature in English education and practical methods for the language classroom.
Kazushige Cho received his M.A. in Applied Linguistics (2005) from Georgia State University, Atlanta. At present he is a part-time at Keiwa College, Niigata University, Rainbow Language House (conversation school), and Takasaki City University of Economics, teaching L2 reading, writing, business English, presentation skills, and TOEIC. He is a member of JALT Niigata.
2. JALT Omiya 2010 AGM
The executive board members will make brief statemets regarding events and the status of JALT Omiya for the past year followed by the introduction of the 2011 executive board members.