In 2002, in coordination with the local Board of Education in Kunitachi City, I began working at several public elementary schools designing and implementing two programs, “Bamboo Shoots” for grade 5’s and “Dragonflies” for grade 6’s. From this April, I combined these two programs with the Ministry of Education’s “English Notebook” and am presently conducting lessons.
In this workshop, I will explain and demonstrate how best to conduct lessons effectively using “English Notebook”. At the same time, I will present various ways to improve upon specific lessons that will enhance the entire learning process.
This workshop will be presented in both English and Japanese.
2002年から私は、国立市で数校の公立小学校で5年生には「Bamboo Shoots」(竹の子)、6年生には「Dragonflies」(とんぼ)と言う2つのプログラムを作り実施してきました。この4月より文部科学省から出された「英語ノート」とこれら2つのプログラムを融合させ、現在授業を行っています。
冨樫‐ブレフゲン ローラ
寺﨑 勢津子